by Protect Thacker Pass | Mar 10, 2021 | Art
by Travis London, Deep Green Arts Bobcats Medium sized cat that has varying home ranges between 4-8 sq miles. Primarily solitary, the bobcat is able to survive for long periods without food, but eats heavily when prey is abundant. Bobcats hunt by stalking their prey...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Feb 25, 2021 | Art
Ravens are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, and yet the State of Nevada spends tens of thousands of dollars annually to poison thousands of ravens. Because ravens do well in human habitats, feeding on our garbage, roadkill, and the dead bodies of...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Feb 1, 2021 | Art
Thacker Pass is sagebrush steppe habitat, which is where sage-grouse nest. They prefer dense cover from big sagebrush, although they also use areas with rabbitbrush, and locate their leks on broad ridgetops, grassy swales and dry lakebeds. This perfectly describes the...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Jan 28, 2021 | Art
Coyote Coyotes (as a species in North America) are 5.3 million years old. Known as “The Trickster”, the coyote instructs humans about human nature. Humans kill 500,000 coyotes every single year, so they are also known as “North America’s most...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Jan 24, 2021 | Art
Built for speed, the Pronghorn antelope can run at 55 mph for 1/2 a mile. Pronghorns prefer open expansive range; fences and habitat fragmentation are dramatically impacting their movement. Some populations of Pronghorn are critically endangered. Lithium mining at...
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