by Protect Thacker Pass | Apr 13, 2022 | Art, Reflection
by Travis London (Deep Green Arts) by Alex Eisenberg by Elisabeth Robson Thank you so much to everyone who submitted art and poetry for the Last Dance of the Sage Grouse. We were privileged to witness the sage grouse at their lek for the second time since we founded...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Oct 24, 2021 | Art
Thacker Pass land protector Alex C. Eisenberg created these pieces after she returned from the Protect Thacker Pass camp, and they are published along with several others in Pangyrus Magazine. Thank you Alex, and thank you Pangyrus for publishing these wonderful...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Jul 12, 2021 | Art, Resistance Updates
Like the US, the EU is in a mad rush to replace gas-powered vehicles with EVs. The EU currently imports most of its lithium from Chile, the US and Russia, but like the US wants to develop its own supply chain so it’s less dependent on imports. As a result there...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Apr 24, 2021 | Art, Reflection
Got a good question on the blog today that I think is worth highlighting here. Mike asks: Who makes the decision of whether a natural landscape gets destroyed so a mine…lithium or otherwise…can be built? Is it the Nevada state legislature? Congress? Dept. or...
by Protect Thacker Pass | Mar 18, 2021 | Art
The Sagebrush Sea, by Siri N. The sagebrush sea supports an abundance of life, up to 350 species in an area like Thacker Pass. One of these is the Pronghorn Antelope who is indigenous to western North America, and eats sagebrush, as well as grasses and wildflowers....
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