Write to or call the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to let them know you support adding Thacker Pass, NV to the National Register of Historic Places.
In solidarity with regional native people, Protect Thacker Pass calls on our supporters to tell the BLM to suspend mine construction at Thacker Pass until proper consultation and evaluation of historic sites with Indian tribes and the public is completed.
Email the BLM at the following email addresses TODAY:
BCC us at contact@protectthackerpass.org
Call the BLM at the following phone number TODAY:
Phone: 775-623-1500
Tweet at BLM Nevada TODAY:
@blmnv Suspend all mine construction at Thacker Pass until proper consultation can be completed with Indian tribes and the public to consider eligibility for Thacker Pass as a historic property on the National Register of Historic Places.
Please use the email and call scripts below:
Ms. Rehberg,
My name is [INSERT] and I am very concerned with the Thacker Pass Lithium Mine Project’s effects on cultural resources and historic properties. The Thacker Pass Project is huge, complex, highly controversial, and will destroy irreplaceable pieces of American history.
I have learned that the Bureau of Land Management is trying to determine the eligibility of the September 12, 1865 Thacker Pass massacre site for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. This massacre site is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of American history and is NRHP-eligible under, at least, Criterion A.
Thacker Pass, as a whole, is home to a uniquely large concentration of cultural resources and historic properties that make it NRHP-eligible an historic or traditional cultural district under all four of the NRHP criteria. Two massacres of Paiute people happened in Thacker Pass – the massacre which gives Thacker Pass its Paiute name “Peehee mu’huh” and the September 12, 1865 massacre. You have identified over one thousand cultural resource sites and a component of a large cultural district: the Thacker Pass component of the Double H/Whitehorse Obsidian Procurement District, in the project area. The Thacker Pass Component of this obsidian procurement district became its own NRHP-eligible district in 2009. You have reported that there are 56 historic properties eligible for listing on the NRHP in the Project mining plan and exploration plan boundaries and 35 historic properties eligible for inclusion on the NRHP within the Indirect Effect Area. There are also caves and rocks Native Americans used to hide from American soldiers, ancient campgrounds, traditional foods and medicines, and sacred creatures like Greater Sage Grouse and Golden Eagles in Thacker Pass.
The public should be notified and given an opportunity to comment and participate in mitigating adverse effects to Thacker Pass as an historic district and the 1865 massacre site as an historic property. Please ensure this letter is included in the Thacker Pass Administrative Record.
Hello, my name is ___________.
I’ve learned that BLM is trying to determine the eligibility of several properties in Thacker Pass for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places.
I am concerned about the Thacker Pass Project’s effects on historic properties.
I believe all of Thacker Pass should be considered NRHP-eligible as a historic district and the September 12, 1865 massacre site as a historic property.
Please suspend all physical disturbances, excavations, and construction in Thacker Pass until effects to the historic properties in Thacker Pass can be properly evaluated in consultation with Indian tribes and the public.

Art by Deep Green Arts.
Please honor The Sacred Land at Thacker Pass. Open pit extraction is extremely harmful when instead the land should be honored. Please stop the harm now. Thank You.
Sincerely Eileen Martinez Carey
A Life Never Lithium Mining Extraction, A Healthy Life For Indigenous Peoples and End Cultural Heritage Devastation! Azul98
Please dont mine the sacred lands of Thacker Pass. It has a rich history, some of it quite tragic, but it will be more tragic if the land is ruined from open pit lithium extraction.
I am concerned about the Thacker Pass Project’s effects on historic properties.